Saturday, 26 May 2012

Niky Roehreke

My fascination for illustration has increased immensely and the relationship between illustration and fashion design I believe is vital not only in an obvious sense to 'illustrate' and communicate ideas between the artist and the audience but to portray a certain element of emotional grandeur.
For fashion it is not necessarily about honing as much obscure detail in the figure beholding the garment but focusing upon how to demonstrate a certain material and its unique texture and sculptural qualities.
The story behind this German/Japanese illustrator is not only heart warming reaching out to shy and somewhat introverted individuals seeking a way to relieve anxiety through art, yet unique. Her focus upon hands as a ulterior motif as they communicate with others and hold 'special qualities' is something she feels is important. All her illustrations feature hands as a reoccurring theme, they are 'a goal, something rare'. Roehreke's use of mixed media allows her illustrations to become 3D distancing her from other fashion illustrators who predominantly use watercolour and ink as a solid base for there design.

Its safe to say that I will never use one medium to produce my fashion illustrations again! Utterly beautiful. 

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